Beyond Empty Words

“Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose, so never allow yourself to ever do anything that would damage your integrity.” In my opinion, before integrity gets lost in that second, it must have taken years of losing it, till it finally got lost. We do not only end up marring our reputation but we put those inspired by us at risk when we fail to discipline ourselves.

Let’s All Be Influencers

The idea of being a part of the traditional governance system is mostly limited to being a chief, which although a part of it is not entirely exhaustive. Being a chief is to be the head traditional system of governance. However, it is not the only role available in this system. Traditional governance is an indigenous part of the culture of African countries. For more context, these systems were formal in precolonial times and in current times have become more semi-formal (and informal in some countries) due to the indoctrination of the Western system of governance.

Letting go of the Pillars of Society

My question to you then, my dear reader, is: should we let go of the pillars of our society because God is able to do all things, or should we be Mr. Changs partnering with systems to scrape our “aboki” status off the world leaderboard? Well, if you ask me, it’s a matter of why sit here until we perish when we can be Mr. Changs of our country. Let’s get started right now, shall we?

Illuminating The Path To Integrity And Accountability.

In a world where veils of secrecy often obscure the truth, whistleblowers emerge as unsung heroes who, with unwavering courage, put their careers, reputations, and even their lives on the line to unearth corruption, fraud, and misconduct. They shine as beacons of hope for those who yearn for justice, transparency, and accountability. In Africa, muchContinue reading “Illuminating The Path To Integrity And Accountability.”

Mastering the Power Struggle: Unleashing Your Inner Hero.

We say we serve an almighty God, but many of us choose to dwell in mediocrity. We shelter ourselves from the hard work, the late nights, and the all-expected backlash under the shelter of pseudo-humility and Christ-centredness. We have limited our role as Christian leaders to praying for the ‘wicked’ men in charge to have a change of heart. Yet, no one is willing to stand in their shoes after they leave.

The Door The Gatekeepers Are Failing To Keep: Is There Not A Cause?

During my university days, I found myself faced with a project submission deadline and several other tasks. Determined to complete my work, I decided to stay up throughout the night before the deadline. Aware of my situation, my roommate reminded me to lock the door before going to sleep when they noticed everyone else preparingContinue reading “The Door The Gatekeepers Are Failing To Keep: Is There Not A Cause?”

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